Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Nectar Lounge 10/27/10

If you have seen us before, you have likely seen us with the Zimm and Arock. This entertaining duo has hosted us on several occasions, including our first bar gig at The Sunset Tavern. After meeting the Zimm at one of our open mic Mondays at the Seamonster, Alex (The Zimm) came up to us and asked if we would like to play out with him sometime. Without hesitation we replied, "Hell yes!!" and magic happened. We have played several gigs with this group and are sure to be seen with them again in the future! If you've not heard these guys, go check them out:
You can catch us tomorrow night at Nectar Lounge playing with The Zimm and Arock, we go on at 9pm they go after us!

A huge thanks goes out to both these guys. We are lucky to have fellow musicians as committed to local music as these two are in our lives. Well played gentleman.

See you tomorrow!

Nate B
Bucket of Honey

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Triple Five

My dad drove a cab when I was in high school. The cab you see in the photo is one of the cabs he owned after it had lost its use as a taxi. I inherited that cab, it's call number: 555.

For some reason, I have had it in my head lately that my new lucky number is five. Triple 5 to be exact. So, when I was setting out to sell my old car, worth about $700 or so, I thought to myself I would start high but settle at $555. Sure enough, I got what I had decided to settle for: $555. I headed straight for 7-11 to buy me a $5 lotto ticket. A little over half way through scratching the ticket I felt it was all a sham. Until alas, I scratched a win double the prize symbol! I won $40 bucks. Ok, no big deal your saying. But get this! I get an email forwarded from my girlfriend's dad saying that this month happens to have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays, 5 - 5 - 5!! It's the first time that has happened in 823 years!

I guess what I mean to say is, I'm feeling lucky. If you have any ideas for things I can press my luck with, in 5s of course, let me know immediately!! Come on! Big Bucks, Big Bucks, No Whammys......



Nate B

Friday, October 15, 2010

To Smoke or Not to Smoke; An Idiotic Question For You

Duh. But still . . . No, still duh. Lets make this interesting though. I'll argue for the afirmative here and leave the negatives up to, well, you. I'd like to hear from you.

To Smoke:

1. It's something to do.
2. I enjoy it for many reasons: a. It's oral, b. It's stimulating, c. It's fucking cool, d. My boyfriend hates it (I'm a rebel)
3. It's changed my instrument. In a positive way? I'm sure the best is yet to come.
4. I'm giving back to the community. Can you imagine how many homeless people I have provided with free cigarettes, just this week? Double digits baby.
5. Social life, smokers like smokers. Smoke them or choke them. I don't know what that is supposed to mean.

I stand behind all of the things I've stated here. At the same time, I hope you all take this with a grain of salt. Side note, I've noticed they've started selling nicotine vaporizers at my local 7/11.

So yeah, that's my "To Smoke," lets hear your "Not to Smoke."


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New Guitar

After the rush of performing with the Bushwick Book Club on Sunday I've been itchin' to get my hands on my new guitar and write something. The sound is so wonderful, I have just sat here noodling for the last hour. What a joy to play.

So, I thought I'd give you the history of my guitar and all the wheelings and dealings I did to acquire it.

The story begins some 10 years ago when my mom, grandma, and aunt Yella all pitched in to buy me my first electric guitar and amp. Let it be known that grandma was none too thrilled about the "electric" aspect of this purchase, "it's too loud Nat en," my grandma said in her thick German accent.

I played my red burst fake Gretch through a nice Fender tube amp for all of two days maybe. While I know I should have been excited, I just don't like playing electric as much as acoustic. So, after several years of letting my nice stuff gather dust, I traded in my electric rig for a shiny newish Ovation Standard Balladeer. You have likely seen me play it if you have seen a BOH show. It was my only playing out guitar up until last week when I bought this, my new Martin acoustic. The Martin is not cheap though. I sold my Ovation (not the move) as well as my Blue Mic to pay for half of my new instrument. The rest, or a good portion of the rest, was paid for by you! Annie insisted that we spend the money to get a quality instrument, and I agreed! Thank you Bucket of Honey fans! Your support through CD sales, cover charges, and liquor sales has granted me my wish, a new Martin guitar! My mom and grandma would be so pleased.


Nate B
Bucket of Honey

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Bushwick Book Club

Puppets, dioramas, and incredibly intricate Tralfamadore caps, OH MY! That ain't all. Bucket of Honey is getting crafty with it, creating new hits AND hats for your consumption. I am so fired up for this weekend's Bushwick Book Club (Sunday, 9pm, Can Can) where we will be one of ten artists sharing their musical musings on the book Slaugherhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut. Just say yes. Buy tickets at www.thecancan.com/calendar



P.S. It's a feel good event with a large portion of the proceeds going to the Seattle Public Library Foundation.